Drew Hewitt
Senior Nick Mulchay leads the school at the first week of school pep assembly with the help of the football team.
Homecoming week is coming up fast which means spirit days, powderpuff and a few new surprises. If you couldn’t catch the spirit week schedule in third hour announcements, we have you covered.
American Day:
The Monday spirit day is always the hardest to remember, so dig out your decorations from Fourth of July and get ready to pile on the red, white and blue.
Movie Night:
After an American filled day, travel around the world with Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway in “Get Smart”, the movie night feature. Don’t forget to bring plenty of blankets to curl up in.
For more information the the movie night, click the link below
Stoplight Day:
If you already had that special homecoming proposal, throw on something red and let everyone know you’re out the game. Wear yellow if “It’s complicated”, maybe you’re waiting for that one person to pop the question. If you’re single and ready to mingle, wear green. love
World Food Night:
To go along with the ‘Around the World” theme, go on a food tour around the world Tuesday night at 6 p.m. in the cafeteria.
Color Wars:
It’s powderpuff day which means show support for the girls in your grade. Freshman wear red, sophomore wear white, juniors throw on your gold student section shirt and seniors can deck themselves out in blue.
There’s football every Friday but now it’s the ladies time to shine. The game is on the football field at 7 p.m and only one dollar for admittance.
Tourist Day:
As GH natives, we know the anatomy of a tourist like the back of our hand. Thursday is our turn to be the tourist from the camera around their neck to the map sticking out of a fanny pack.
Blue and Gold Day:
As tradition goes, today is the day you break out all the blue and gold you can find. Dig out your glitter, beads, Grand Haven shirts, get creative and support the varsity Bucs football team.
Homecoming Game:
Don’t forget to keep the blue and gold on for the game at 7 p.m. to support the team as the 12th Buc.
Homecoming Dance:
Last but not least is the dance. Ladies, put your best dress on. Guys, slick back and suit up. It starts at 8 p.m. and ends at 11:30 p.m. But don’t forget to follow school dance guidelines. Check them out here.