Drew Hewitt
The new greenhouse will be built on the southwest side of the property. The area has been marked off but construction has not been started yet.
The construction plans for a new greenhouse are well on their way as administration and the science department organize and prepare for the addition to be built.
The original plans were to have the greenhouse constructed beginning this fall after other major work on the building was completed. So far, not much of the plan has been set into motion but Principal Tracy Wilson is optimistic about having the greenhouse done in time for second semester.
“My hope right now is that we just continue to move forward with the original timeline before the ground freezes so they can get it enclosed before winter and finalized so that it will be able to be operational for second semester,” Wilson said. “It may not be operational day one of second semester but the plan is that students will be able to use it.”
Before the construction can start, trees need to be cut down in the area it will be built and also where the sunlight needs to reach the building. Cement footing and a new driveway will also be put in beforehand.
Concerning the external and internal appearance of the greenhouse, biology teacher Jeremey Wilder has worked closely with the contractor and knows what it will eventually look like.
“It’s going to be 30 by 60 feet which is about the size of a normal classroom,” Wilder said. “It will have brick work on the sides that match the building and the top portion’s going to be composed of multi
layer, translucent plastic panels.”
Wilder also explained that a greenhouse biology course has been offered for between 20 and 30 years without any sort of greenhouse on campus. He hopes that this addition will benefit the learning experience of all science classes, along with the entire community.
“We expect to be able to grow plants and conduct long-term research and also to use the space around the greenhouse to extend our growing season,” Wilder said. “Potentially, we will be providing native plants to the local community through plant sales.”
Wilson believes students will gain from this new extension.
“The purpose is obviously being able to have that ability here for kids to get that hands on experience and practical purpose experience within the curriculum,” Wilson said.