Winter break is creeping up on us. The ground will soon be covered by a blanket of snow and students will have no school to distract them from enjoying the season. To celebrate, the student senate is featuring spirit days.
“We do it to get into the school spirit and to have fun around the Christmas time without just thinking about school” says third year student senate member Sarah Sanders.
Monday is pajama day so don’t bother planning an outfit. Just roll out of bed and head to school.
Tuesday is sport jersey day so show some team pride and dress as if you were going to a game instead of actually going to school.
Wednesday is white out day. Dress as if you could blend in with the snow.
Thursday is Christmas in Hawaii day. Here is yet another day for you to break out the tropical shirt, fanny pack, and bucket hat. Kudos to anyone who’s outfit is completed by a sunburn.
Friday is ugly sweater day so now is your chance to be thankful that you didn’t throw away last year’s gift from grandma.
“It’s kind of just something we do every year,” says Sanders. As with most things in the school’s culture, spirit days are tradition.
Please remember that spirit days do not give student’s the privilege to break the dress code. Consult the school handbook if you are worried that your outfit may be inappropriate.