The Bucs' Blade • October 3, 2017 •
Homecoming week leaves students filled with spirit
5 days post 2017 homecoming week - full of festivities and events. Here are a few highlights from this past week.
Maddie Monroe, Editor in Chief
Carlos RappleyeThe senior team beat out both the sophomores and the freshmen. Megan Kostner leads the team onto the field to celebrate. The class of 2018 is back to back champs from last years season.
Carlos RappleyeThe freshman team celebrates Carly Wagasky’s success, shouting while she made huge gains. Wagasky scored three touchdowns against the junior team. The freshmen team ended up winning their first game against the juniors.
Ayabah Wilson Junior, Charisse Timmreck gets a touch of gold warpaint added onto her face as she prepares for the game against the freshman. Face paint was a common trend for this year’s participants.
Lauren MorganThe student section was in high hopes of the Bucs’ winning the homecoming football game. Seniors cheered and supported the team through the tough game.
Lauren MorganThe bench explodes after senior Malic Love scored a touchdown within the first few minutes of the game to give the Bucs a 7-0 lead. The Bucs’ put up a fight in the senior night game, but lost 21-14 against Caledonia.
Savannah HankinsonInstead of the classic homecoming court dodgeball, student senate had the idea of a soccer game in the bubble balls. Senior Adam Nelson took advantage of this opportunity and slammed into any teacher on the opposing team.
Savannah Hankinson Much of the hype of homecoming week took place Friday night during the halftime ceremony of the football game. Students awaited all week eagerly to find out who their 2017 king and queen would be. Jack Nicholson, a four-year veteran on the court was elected alongside the queen Julia Drabczyk who has been apart of the homecoming court since her sophomore year of high school. “I was extremely surprised and shocked,” Nicholson said. “I was so humbled by other people’s actions.”