The search continues


Ducco the Bucco.

Camille Berko, Editor In Chief

The search for the Ducco is still on and two lucky winners have already been crowned. 

The Student Senate led scavenger hunt resets once a month, with Ducco being hidden in common areas of the school, where all students have equal access to. Once found, Ducco isn’t hidden until the next month though, so remember to keep a lookout and be the first to find him. 

Although the excitement has somewhat died down, Senate wants to remind students to continue their search. 

“It’s supposed to be fun and pretty lowkey,” project leader Ellyn Skodack said. “I hope it’s helping people take some stress off, even if it’s kind of silly.”

The current plan is for Ducco to be hidden next sometime later this month. Because he is found so fast, Skodack is waiting for the best time to restart the game. 

“It’s difficult to find spots to hide him where everyone has a chance and it’s hard to find, but we’re working on it,” Skodack said. 

Listen and watch for further information on the slides or daily announcements as well as on Ducco’s Instagram @duccothebucco