Morgan Butcher
Coach Katie Kowalczyk-Fulmer standing in front of her academy class in room 0200. She works as a Physical Education Teacher and as the coach of the Girls' Basketball Team.
What feelings went through your mind when you found out you were inducted into the Hall of Fame?
I was very honored and very humbling. I’ve been coaching for a long time. I’ve known other people to be inducted in the Hall of Fame and to be recognized was just very humbling. I was just very honored. I’ve been coaching for 33 years and we’ve had some success here at Grand Haven.
What do you enjoy most about coaching/teaching?
I’ve always loved basketball. I played it as a kid, and I played basketball in high school and college. I took my first job as a seventh grade girls basketball coach at Caledonia. While I was at Hope, I drove back and forth and coached and the relationships that you develop with kids. It’s nice to enjoy the game of basketball. I love the sport and the relationships that you develop with students
What do you like to instill in your players/students?
You want your kids to work hard. You can get so much more out of sports. You can work hard and have fun. Every time we take the court, we’re trying to get better. Don’t be afraid to fail.
What do you like about basketball?
It’s such a team sport. There’s no I in the word team. Everybody does their part, and they all have one common goal, winning. I’ve grown up playing it and I always loved it, and now I can’t play anymore. I always want to be a better coach every year, even though I’ve been coaching for 33 years. I always strive to be better. You learn from the people around you, learn from other coaches. I learned from my players.
Who is your favorite musical artist and why?
I like country. Kenny Chesney.
What’s your favorite food/meal and why?
Pasta. I’ve always liked pasta dishes.
How long have you been coaching for?
This is my 27th year at Grand Haven. I taught five years at Hasting High School prior to coming here.
Where did you go to high school and college?
I went to Caledonia High School and then Hope College. Played basketball there and then got my master’s at Western Michigan University.
What do you enjoy most about being a Grand Haven coach?
Grand Haven has been a great place to coach. It’s always been a basketball town. When I came here the boys basketball program had had success. I feel very supported by the community, by the parents. It’s been a good ride. And I am a lifer. I’m not someone that’s going to just get out if we’re not good. I’m 54 years old and have been coaching for a long time, but I still feel like I want to coach for many more years to come in Grand Haven. I enjoy it. I figured, if I’m still enjoying it, why would I give it up?