Everybody is used to the homecoming and spring coming spirit weeks but student senate decided to send us off to holiday break in a more festive way. Here is the schedule for this year’s winter spirit week.
Monday- Red and Green
Since it’s habit to forget a Monday spirit day, this winter week starts off easy with red and green day. It can be a pin or a grinch shirt, just sport the classic Christmas colors.
Tuesday- White Out
It may not look like a white Christmas outside yet but on Tuesday, it will look like one in the halls.
Wednesday- Pajama Day
Roll out of bed, tame your hair (if you feel like it), brush your teeth (please), and get ready for your most cozy day of school all year.
Thursday- Holiday Icon
Santa may be the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to iconic Christmas characters, so throw on your santa hat and stuff your shirt with a pillow. Maybe it;s rudolf, so grab your antlers and paint some red on your nose.
Friday- Ugly Christmas Sweater
Contrary to tradition, this spirit week will not wrap up with blue and gold day but instead, ugly Christmas sweater day. Go thrift shopping or rifle through your parents 80’s garb to find that perfectly hideous sweater.