Maisy Hoffman
Make sure you try on your tux before the 11th hour
Most places you rent a tux from will not only be meticulous with measurements, but also have you come in a day or two in advance to try it on and make sure no last minute alterations are needed. If you have a date and did not have the dress with you to pick out a color, bring it this time or at least have a good picture to ensure you chose wisely.
Get a corsage if needed
If you need a corsage, it should already be ordered and simply be a matter of picking it up and hoping the colors match and your date is happy with it. If you don’t have one in the making, call or stop into a flower shop as soon as you can. Many places have a few more generic ones made up for the emergency runs, but if not, then you might just need to sweet talk. If Grand Haven Garden house is drowning the prom petals, try another shop just outside of the area that may not be doing as many such as Spring Lake floral.
Learn how to tie a tie
A dead giveaway that you have no idea what you’re doing is a sloppy tie. Whether it’s windsor or bow tie it must be crisp and tight. Nobody said it will stay that way but at least for the pictures. Have your dad, youtube, or google teach you how.
Clean your car (and you)
Nobody wants to ride in a car where they can run the risk of sitting on a petrified pringle or write their name in the dirty back window. The trend of renting limos was (for the most part) left behind years ago, so now it’s your job to make sure you arrive in style, or at least a clean car. A two dollar car wash won’t break the bank. The rest of prom night may be, so don’t take the cheapest part for granted.
As for you, you have it much easier than the girls. Shower for everybody’s sake, at least trim the facial hair, and please, do not take a second shower in cologne. Half of the school will pack into one general area that by the end of the night, will smell like a mix of hairspray, perfume, sweat and cologne. Don’t make it worse.
Be on time, or early
The best way to go at this is with the mentality that if you’re not early, you’re late. Make sure you don’t scare your date into thinking they’ve been stood up or lose your dinner reservation all because you just had to finish the last mission in Grand Theft Auto.
Be ready for after prom
Especially for a high schooler not used to dressing up, your feet will hurt and the sweat will be cold on your back as you walk out of the community center. Unless you want to spend the rest of the night like that, be sure to throw an extra pair of clothes and shoes in your trunk or arrange to stop at home to change. And if you plan on spending the rest of the night around people, grab deodorant too.
Know where your tux is at all times
When you spend over $100 on clothes, ones that need to be returned, the last thing you want to do is lose or damage any part of it. Seeing as how it will get hot, leave the jacket layed out nicely in your car or find a place to hang it after you get the party started, but make sure you know what one is yours.