I started off high school with three friends. That’s not an estimate, I literally had three friends. It was the most terrifying time of my life. I was extremely sheltered, frizzy haired, no makeup, braces, glasses and no self esteem. I’m surprised I made it this far. But against all odds, I did.
I went to a small Lutheran school for 10 years before I was dropped into the world of public school swearing and sexual innuendos . It was sink or swim, and to be honest I was sinking for a while. I was painfully shy and had no idea how to interact with my peers. Luckily now my awkwardness is seen as endearing by those who know me, and a good friendly laugh to those who don’t.
The heartbreaks, the awkward awkward AWKWARD encounters with boys, the bad grades that made me want to drop out, the good grades that made me want to drop out and join college already. All the new sports, clubs, and groups,making friends and then making new friends when those old ones became people I didn’t want to become as well.I’ve been through it all, and I made it. Next year I am running track at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, both things I never saw coming. This future never would have happened for me if I hadn’t let go of my fears and went for it.
The one thing I want to impress upon the future generations of Buccaneers is this: throw your cautions out the window and go for it. I wasted so much time being afraid of what people would think of me that I lost precious chances to make memories. Joining clubs is not going to kill you . Speaking to the kids sitting next to you in class is a good thing. Just make yourself become the person you want to be, don’t just wish and dream for the day you have more than 3 friends, fight for it.