Jacob Welch
Rory Callandar is now the only German teacher at GHHS. He teaches five classes of German including; one class of German one, two classes of German two, and a class with German three, four, and five combined.
Not only does he teach five classes in school, but he also does online classes. Last year, he had another German teacher to work with, but she has recently switched schools.
Callendar manages his new schedule pretty well. He does not think the school is looking for another German teacher right now. However, He is hoping that in the future he will have another German teacher to work with.
“I find it to be good stress,” Callendar said. “It is a challenge that I can manage so far.”
Callendar says that he needs to keep up with the grade book and continue checking up on his students to make sure they are understanding what he is teaching. He also said he hopes to continue teaching German in the future. He enjoys teaching German because he feels like it keeps him learning and he loves to learn.