Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Chuiuck That Ball; A story about Sophomore Lorelei Chuiucks’s Softball journey

Josh Walters
Lorelei Chuiuck stepping onto the softball field. Getting ready for a game as her coaches and teammates cheers her on.

Sophomore Lorelei Chuiuck steps onto the dusty softball field’s plate. Her fiery red hair twisted down her back onto her white uniform, with a baseball cap resting on her head and a bulky brown glove on her right hand. She holds a neon yellow ball, preparing to strike at her opponent.

Her passion for softball began when she watched her older sister Mikayla’s pitching career in high school. She started with T-ball and coach pitch, and her love for softball grew alongside her sister.

“It originally started with my sister. She began to pitch, and that’s when I found my ‘Oh! This is cool’ moment,” Chuiuck said.

Chuiuck had an outstanding season, breaking two records, including setting new career highs and shattering the season record for strikeouts in games. Her determination and dedication paid off as she diligently prepared before each game, mentally preparing herself and carefully reviewing her game plan to ensure a seamless performance.

“Chop Suey by System Of A Down is my number one song to pump me up for a game and to get me into the right headspace to focus,” Chuiuck said.

During the summer, participation in the Sabercats travel softball team allows Chuiuck to engage in state-wide tournaments, extending her softball journey throughout the year and learning not only from her coaches but from her teammates as well.

“Something that stuck with me was when one of my teammates said, ‘Don’t think, just do.’ I carry that throughout my games,” Chuiuck said.

Chuiuck is committed to pursuing her love for softball and is determined to be an active participant in the sport throughout her high school years and possibly into the future.

“Don’t be afraid to look up to older people and ask them questions. When I was a freshman, I was scared of everything, and all the seniors would come up to me and say, ‘Hey, don’t worry, we’ve got your back.’ I would say that stuck with me,” Chuiuck said.

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