Color guard tryouts just around the corner

Violet Kemperman

More stories from Violet Kemperman

Old made new again
May 25, 2022

Allison Gardner

Color Guard members perform at a home football game.

Color Guard workshops start Monday, March 14 and 15, followed by auditions March 16th. 

Color Guard is a choreographed performance group that performs dances and routines while spinning various equipment. 

The group performs with the Grand Haven Marching Band to enhance the show. Guard members will perform at football games, parades, and competitions. The practices will start during the summer and will continue until the end of October. 

“It’s really fun, but it is also a lot of hard work you need to put into to get better,” Freshman Kyleigh Hernandez said, “It’s like one big family. I don’t think people realize how hard it actually is. If you give it a try you might like it. It also comes with great trips and experience.”

Be sure to check out Color Guard tryouts, held in the music wing.