The Buc Stop starts up


Junior Lillian Hayward runs the cash register during B lunch on the Bucs’ Stop’s first day. “The teacher puts a lot of accountability on us,” she said. “You get to learn the specific skills on your own, and gives you a real-world situation to use them.”

The Buc Stop had its first day of operation yesterday during lunch. The store holds many new clothing designs, Bucs gear and, for the first time, energy drinks. Students manage the store through their marketing class, and it gives them real-life experience on how to operate a small business.
“I think the assumption is that running a small business is easy and simple,” marketing teacher Jeanie Sherman said. “There is a lot more behind the scenes that go into it. It’s good for students to learn minute skills now so they can work out kinks along the way. It’s just awesome to see the excitement when they’re learning something relevant to them.”
Students learn so many skills in class. From operating the register to ordering inventory, they see all aspects of owning their own business, and they can’t be happier.
“It’s really fun,” junior Lillian Hayward said. “I’d definitely recommend it if you’re thinking about business as a career, but even if you’re not, it’s a great opportunity to explore your possibilities.”