Juniors and seniors at GHHS spent part of their day today learning about job opportunities in the area at the Boomerang event. The event was a partnership with the Chamber of Commerce, an organization that works with businesses in the Tri-Cities, as part of #DoYouHaveAPlan? Week at GHHS.
The event brings in 35 different companies from around North-West Ottawa County, as well as Muskegon Community College and Baker College. According to counselor Angie Prieditis, students from Central High School, Careerline Tech Center, Allendale, Coopersville and Spring Lake public schools were also invited.
“What is important is learning what’s out there in the community,” said Vicki Ellis, the Chamber’s Director of Business & Education Connections.
Planning for the event started in late May and early June when the Chamber reached out to 50-60 businesses in the area.
“(The goal is) to inspire students to look beyond high school to what they want to be when they grow up,” said Prieditis.
Boomerang is back
Job fair aims to bring students into the Ottawa County workforce
Students walking around the Boomerang event in the field house. The event is open to all juniors and seniors on Tuesday, Sept. 15.
About the Contributor

Peter Ver Duin, Editor