A Goalie With Goals
Junior goalie Garrison Mast sets the bar high for his expectations going into his third varsity season. Mast hard work sets him on the right path for his third district championship. A leader on and off the field, Mast is determined to do his best.
February 23, 2015

Mast will enter his third season as a varsity competitor this Fall. Starting out on the field as a sophomore in the 2013, Mast did not immediately assume the leader position. “As a sophomore, I stayed back and just did my job, which was keeping the ball out of the net,” Mast said. Going into his senior year, Mast feels prepared to lead his team with plenty of experience and wisdom under his belt.

Putting in the Work: Along with working out on his own, Mast participates at Heart Soccer Academy, improving his technical skills. “I also play club soccer for Lakeshore Premier,” Mast said “We are currently practicing and gearing up for the season ahead of us.”

Pumping the Iron: Mast visits the local gym at least four times a week. Lifting and running at 5:30 a.m. before school has become the norm for the hardworking junior.

Handful of Accomplishments: In the last two seasons, Mast and company were district champions and finished second in the OK Red conference this past season. Mast was also recognized for All Conference and All-State Honorable Mention. Mast is still striving for more success next year.

Staying Motivated: Finishing second in a tough conference and losing in regional quarterfinals is something Mast is very proud of. However, this only skims what Mast wants to accomplish. “The things that keep me motivated are the want of a state title and the want to fulfill a dream of playing college soccer,” Mast said. “I am also motivated knowing that every Tuesday and Thursday night I have the opportunity to represent my school and the city in a positive way.”