Varsity volleyball weekly update

October 16, 2015

What happened: The Bucs played East Kentwood last Thursday beating them 3-0. The team pulled far ahead throughout each set and continued the streak of working well as a team. As the girls continue the season, they only get stronger. They did lose junior Libby Cole to her injury but they gained senior Ally Knoll and junior Cassidy Shumacher back this week after recovering from injuries.

Key Player: Junior Claire Holman continues to be an all around encouraging and versatile player. She knows where to be and when to be there to get the perfect spike, set, pass, or snap. Holman is always cheering her teammates on whether she is on or off the court.

Key Moment: Knoll and Shumacher both had their first games following their injuries. It was an exciting moment for the team, coaches, and fans.

They said it: “We continue to get better and better,” sophomore Lauren Jonker said. “No matter what happens, we keep pushing each other.”

Record: The Bucs are 3-0 in the O-K Red Conference and 35-6 on the season.

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