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Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
Low turnout for January blood drive

Low turnout for January blood drive

Jack Nicholson, Reporter January 19, 2017

The new year was kicked off right with the second annual blood drive for the 2016-2017 school year. Former teacher Todd Diederichsen hosted and organized the blood drive event this past Saturday. The main...

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Students donate blood at annual drive

Kelly Klouw, Reporter November 13, 2016

For many, donating blood is something that’s not really thought of as a big deal. However, for some people, such as ones that have been in a car accident, cancer patients, or burn victims, blood donations...

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