Welcome back Bucs – Life

Going back at school isn't exactly a teenagers favorite thing to do after spending a summer at the beach. However, t is a necessary evil. Welcome back to the school life Bucs.

September 8, 2015

An open letter

Dear freshmen,
It’s your first day of high school, how exciting! Not to mention nerve wracking. The movie industry has implanted a false image into your minds of stolen lunch money and “nerds” getting shoved in lockers by jocks. But a true upperclassman is here to assure you that neither of those things actually happen. Contrary to popular belief, we subtly look out for you – unless you walk through the halls like a herd of turtles. Remember that we’ve been in your shoes and understand the butterflies in your stomach as you walk through the doors. And as for the select few jerks that perpetuate the stereotype? Forget about ‘em. You’re no longer little kids – you’re becoming young adults. So act like it and you’ll be fine.

Dear sophomores,
Congratulations, you’ve survived your first year of high school, hopefully with a limited number of wedgies, swirlies and noogies. You’ve most likely become more comfortable with not only the school, but yourself. You’ve made new friends and probably lost a few old ones, but hey, that’s life. Just a warning, this year may or may not feel like a drag. The excitement and nervousness freshman year brought has faded, the fear and stress of being a junior has yet to come and senior year looks like a speck on the horizon. Just take sophomore year to find yourself if you’re lost, or simply enjoy it before you’re knee deep in college apps and AP homework.

Dear juniors,
Welcome to the year of fear and stress. You’re balancing  AP classes, extracurricular activities, work and of course, your mandatory high school drama. But remember to breathe. This is the year to make things count – and that doesn’t just mean academically. Just as your parents tell you, give 100% to your classes so that you’re accepted to the college of your dreams and can be whatever you want to be. But don’t get so caught up in your future that you forget about your present. Try joining a new club or giving back to your community. The more you do to get yourself involved, the more you’ll expand your horizons. You never know, you may stumble upon a new hobby or passion you never even knew you had. You’re (probably) only 16 going on 17 for goodness’ sake, so make the most of it. Putting down the textbook for one movie night won’t ruin your transcript.

Dear seniors,
Let’s be real; we’ve all had senioritis long before we actually became seniors. We’ve done our time at the top of the bleachers just to earn our spot on the fence for football games, we worked our butts off to finally be able to take outdoor ed and personal finance and we struggled our way through an unbelievable amount of standardized testing. We’re the big dogs on campus now and it’s our turn to leave a lasting impression on the place we’ve spent the last four years of our lives. We’ve begun to transition into the new mindset of applying to colleges where we’ll accomplish bigger and better things, where vocabulary tests become irrelevant and being accepted into our dream college becomes a reality. It feels likes we had our first day of high school only yesterday. Time has flown by and before you know it, we’ll be the graduated class of 2016. So make the most of your senior year because 10 years from now, you’ll look back and reflect on the memories you’ve created and the time that’s gone by and wish you could re-live it all over again. GO BUCS!


Five things to get through the first week

Summer 2K15 has come to a close and we are back for a new school year. The transition from sleeping in until noon to waking up before the crack of dawn is always dreaded. Here are a few things to make everything a little easier.


After living on a summer schedule, having to be awake and functioning at 7:40 for class is difficult. Having coffee is one of the most common ways to wake up or stay up, but there are other pros to drinking it. According to The Huffington Post, coffee can actually make you smarter. It sounds crazy, but there is science behind it.

For the whole article go to: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/17/coffee-health-benefits_n_4102133.html

Healthy Breakfast

I know, it’s hard. Breakfast in the morning is not always very appealing, especially when you could choose to sleep in a bit longer, but there is evidence that eating before school can significantly improve your focus. Not only that but it can also help you wake up. Even if it is just a Cliff bar or something small but protein packed, it will help you pay better attention and get your stomach through the morning.

For more information go to: http://www.livestrong.com/article/289854-does-eating-breakfast-help-your-performance-in-school/


There is nothing wrong with bringing your headphones to school. Listen during passing time, while you are doing homework, and if you are allowed to listen during work time in class. There are lots of relaxed stations on Pandora for studying. A great one is Piano Guys radio.

Phone Charger

Bring your phone charger with you. Most teachers are fine with you plugging it in during class. If your phone is like mine it is always running low on battery, and that way if you don’t go right home after school you can plug it in.


Always have water. Bring a water bottle to school with you. If you are falling asleep in class take a drink of water and you will feel more awake. If you want something more flavorful than water add lemon and lime or mint leaves. This is by far the best way to get through the day.

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