Dominque Christian takes on offstage role in theater productions

Senior Dominique Christian discusses with reporter Sophia Jaeger what theatre means to her and what it’s like from backstage.

SJ: What does it mean to be a techie?

DC: People don’t really look at the aspect of the techie side they always see the actors but if you think about it without the techies they would just be people standing on stage in the dark. Because you have your light crew your sound the people that are moving your sets and stuff so without the techies we wouldn’t help the actors

SJ: What got you involved?

DC: Well moving from my old school to Grand Haven my junior year I knew I wanted to stick with theatre because it was something I was familiar with and comfortable with, but since it was bigger and I had a new start I could try something new so I was like ‘I’ll do tech side of theatre’ and I immediately fell in love with it.

SJ: What is your favorite thing about working backstage?

DC: Probably my favorite is seeing everything you’ve worked on coming together, seeing it during the performance on stage and you’re like ‘I did this, I helped make this’ and that feeling of accomplishment.

SJ: What do you want to get out of being a techie?

DC: Learning teamwork, I did get that some through sports but this is another perspective because you’re not working with your teammates to win a game, you’re working with other people to bring a performance together and a set together.

SJ: What are some achievements you’ve done?

DC: Just getting to know more people in just the theatre department alone because that was something I was struggling with as a new kid last year so it was nice because it helped me meet people.

SJ: Why is it important to you?

DC: Theatre is always something I’ve enjoyed, I’m just very comfortable.

SJ: How long have you done theatre?

DC: My first actual performance was sixth grade, it was a cheesy little middle school performance but I enjoyed it so I stuck with it.

SJ: Why do you enjoy it?

DC: It was definitely the people because we had fun, but it was also in the perspective that I could become somebody else and have fun with it, become someone else, play a different character.


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