Water polo shops for Bucs’ Care Food Pantry
FOOD DRIVE: Members of the team pose in front of their haul after successfully completing their shopping. The trip was a quick one, due to the fact they had so many helping hands.
October 23, 2020
The water polo team participated in a fundraiser for the Bucs’ Care Food Pantry, raising over $700 worth of food on Oct. 12.
“It builds a great sense of community in the team that we can come together and do something good to help people,” Senior Thomas MacDonald said.
The team completed their shopping at Meijer, where they split up into groups to quicken the process. Not only was it a great chance to help out the food pantry, but the team benefited as well.
“I think it was good for the boys to get out there and see that there is a need even right here in our community,” MacDonald said.
Other teams have followed in the polo team’s steps. For example, recently the equestrian and football teams have helped out the pantry and the students it serves.
“I hope we’ve made an impact by allowing some kids at our school to feel less anxiety about where their next meal is coming from,” MacDonald said. “Having proper food is not something that people should have to worry about, I hope we eliminated this worry for some.”