Blood drive Dec. 1
HOPE CHURCH: the location of the second blood drive
November 30, 2020
A blood drive will be taking place at Hope Church (14932 Mercury Dr. Grand Haven) on Tuesday, Dec. 1, from 2 to 7 p.m. for anyone who is 16 years or older.
“I liked the idea of being able to provide students an opportunity to learn how to give blood,” blood drive advisor and teacher Todd Diederichsen said.
If you are 16 years old you must have a parental consent form. If you are 17 years old you can show up anytime without a form. All donors must bring an ID.
“What I like about our blood drive is that they’re not at school,” Diederichsen said. “This year it’s been open to the entire community. So, any adult that wishes to show up is welcome to do that and encouraged to do that.”
Students may sign themselves up at the versiti website. The goal is to get about 100 donors and 65 usable units of blood. When you enter the building make sure to wear a mask. Your unit of blood can save up to 3 other lives.
A reminder that if students donate five times before graduation they will earn a graduation honor cord.
“We love doing it because a lot of times kids might be a little fearful of doing it,” Diederichsen said. “If they show up with friends, then they have a little bit of support, then they are more apt to donate.”