Unless planned in advance, snow days will remain a day of no work

March 5, 2021
We have all experienced a snow day in our lifetime. We all yearn for a snow day the night before. We all dread the feeling of waking up only to meet the disappointing truth of no canceled school. This past fall, we all went home to take part in online school. One of the biggest questions regarding snow days is, will teachers host a class online during a snow day?
A snow day is decided by Superintendent, Andy Ingall, whether it be the morning of, or a day or two in advance. Since teachers have the experience and tools necessary for online learning, he decides how much online learning will be done as well. He is the one that will tell students, teachers, and parents what a snow day will look like.
“So there’s no required Google meets, there are no required lessons, there are no required assignments, deadlines. I mean it’s just a regular snow day… but if we were to have imminent weather coming that we know about for days then the district was to say we’re going to be at home learning.” — Principal Tracy Wilson