Rising Rockers

Less than six months ago, seniors Cameron Lund and Nolan Desanto would have never dreamed of being in a band together. Their dream has now become an everyday reality as they write new music that they hopefully will perform someday.

January 27, 2015

Jonas Quirin
JAMMING OUT: Lund and Desanto sit in their music room and start to mix together an array of jumbled notes and random chords trying to develop a new song. “I love connecting with my friends in a different way than just speaking.” Desanto said. Through the voice of music Desanto hopes to reach out to his friends and family, letting them know what he is all about.
A NAME TO REMEMBER: The band remained nameless for quite some time. Often referring to their group as “The Band” when asked about. It wasn’t until they met a mysterious wanderer playing guitar on the Grand Haven Pier. “This guy looked like some crazy crack head.” Lund explained. “He said he was from some town named Ryo in Florida.” The name Ryo stuck in Desantos and Lunds head all throughout the day, until they finally decided to make it the official band name. “We added another Y to make the name look complete.” Desanto said. So far Ryyo has recorded one song and collaborated with GHHS graduate Riley Russ who filled in with percussion for the recording.
STRUMMING AWAY: Lund found his passion for writing music when a family friend generously gave him a guitar. “I was instantly hooked and couldn’t set it down after that day.” Lund said. Lund writes most of the song himself. Creating a guitar riff that Desanto can pluck a bassline to.
PICKING UP THE BASS: Originally Desanto wanted to be strictly the lead singer of his band, but after seeing the work of Geddy Lee, lead singer and bass guitarist for 80’s rock band Rush, he had a change of heart. “The way Geddy Lee plays the bass, synthesizer, and sings all at once is crazy.” Desanto explains. Desanto admits that Rush has inspired him in more ways than one, and hopes to see his band flourish like they did.


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