Homecoming week playlist – Monday
With the first day of spirit week being America day, here are five songs to pump up your patriotism.
September 29, 2014
Homecoming week is here! Every day the Bucs’ Blade will bring you five new songs to listen to that go along with the theme of the day or a homecoming festivity. In the spirit of America day, here are five songs to light the patriotic firework in you.
Even the album cover screams America, a pain of Levis, tattered baseball cap and an American Flag. This song is the perfect way to start out your spirit week.
Because why not? Every Hannah Montana fan knows this song so why not have some nostalgia with your spirit day?
Even if you’re not a huge America fan, you can still have school spirit. I mean the song does say America, I’d say that counts even if it’s not in the greatest light.
I think we have all made out on a living room couch, plus we’re all a little messed up. But we are all right.
While the typical American picture is white picket fences and baseball games, that is not all that America is. It is also about working your way up from the bottom and making it, just like Jay Z says.
Check back tomorrow for another homecoming week playlist.