Seniors Connor Gundy, Austin Rutheford and Matt Nalley sport their “iApplied” shirts at the end of the week
November 8, 2014
This past week, over 300 students out the 410 student senior class took advantage of school time and volunteer guidance to apply to college. These resources were offered by the American Council on Education’s campaign to provide guidance through the admissions process as well as increase the number of students applying to college.
“We have a lot of volunteer support to be here to help students fill out applications and help walk them through the process to take away that intimidation factor,” Tri-Cities College Access Network member Susan Tater said.
Michigan college application week first began in 2011, with its main goal being to increase attendance of low-income students and and first generation college attendees. All students are encouraged to apply Nov. 3-7 regardless of future college intentions. Many schools waive their application fee during this week to aid in increasing the number of applicants. If you did not take advantage of applied week at school, its not too late. For instruction through the process visit knowhow2go.org, or stop by student services for additional information.
“It cant hurt to apply,” Tater said, “There’s no negative to applying because you’re not committing to going to the school, you’re just asking them to hold you a spot.”