Blood drive proves to be a success, despite setbacks
Grand Haven High School hosted a blood drive in the auxiliary gym on Tuesday, Dec. 3. 72 people were signed up to donate, however only 63 of the 72 were eligible.
After the blood was collected, it was sent to Versiti labs for testing. 55 of the 63 donations passed the tests.
“We collected 55 units of blood and our goal was 63 units,” teacher Todd Diedrichsen said. “We were below our goal but it was still a good blood drive.”
15 of the 63 individuals were first time donors.
“We would love for that number to rise at our next blood drive which is February 11,” Diedrichsen said.

Senior Grace Montgomery is excited for her third year on The Bucs’ Blade staff as Editor In Chief. She hopes to share her perspective with her peers...