The homecoming dance is still on
THE COURT: The senior homecoming court of 2020
September 3, 2021
Homecoming 2021 is still on for October 9! This means movie night, powderpuff, pep assembly, hallway decorations, spirit days, banner competitions, and the dance.
“Homecoming is still a go for now so fingers crossed it stays that way,” senior and president Alexis Naperala said. “We are all hoping for the best.”
To ensure the safety due to the coronavirus the limitation as of now is to mask up while attending the dance.
By October the covid case numbers are uncertain, but we will abide by the rules and regulations.
The theme this year is video games due to its diversity in “sections” that can be used for class banners and hallway decorations, and its popularity among students.
Monday – PJ Day
Tuesday – Tie-Dye
Wednesday – Color Wars
Thursday – Beach Day
Friday – Blue & Gold Day
Movie night selection: Wreck it Ralph
“We know that Covid has undoubtedly thrown everyone in a loop,” Naperala said. “We just hope to give students a sense of a normal high school experience.”