G.R.E.E.N Club cleans up Rosy Mound


Violet Kemperman

G.R.E.E.N. Club gets together at the end of a beach clean up on Sept. 18 for a group photo.

Violet Kemperman, Reporter

The G.R.E.E.N. Club, lead by Mr. Portenga, met at Rosy Mound, Sept. 18, to do a beach clean-up. After walking the trail for 15 minutes, the groups set out, bags in hand and scouring the sand. 

Each group had an “Items Collected” sheet to check off. These sheets were handed out to help log the data and items collected for the organization “Alliance for the Great Lakes”. This aids researchers in their mission to clean the lakes and in previous years have been able to help the organization find the culprit for many of these messes. 

A few items groups were collecting were beverage containers, fishing gear, packaging materials, and several more random pieces of trash. 

“Even a beach that is not widely visited like Rosy Mound can have a lot of refuse left behind by people either on the beach or washing up on shore,” Said Portenga “It’s important to clean up the area and catalog what we find so that the Alliance for the Great Lakes can devise ways to prevent the pollution in the first place.  It was awesome to have such a large contingency of students show up to help us out on what was a beautiful Saturday morning”

Overall, the Club was satisfied with the work students put into cleaning our environment. The students in this club create a positive atmosphere and are always looking for more people to join. Be sure to talk to Juniors, Margot Frendt, Sarah Mayer, and Lannie Fox, if you are interested in being a part of the G.R.E.E.N. Club.