What is outdoor education?
SURFS UP: Senior Lannie Fox rides in a wave during their second Outdoor Education class.
The start of the school year is here, and with it comes a variety of intriguing classes. One of these is Outdoor Education. Grand Haven offers the class to any senior who signs a waiver and pays a 200-dollar fee. The course covers anything from surfing to paintball at various locations around the community.
“We’re trying to get people active while having fun,” Outdoor Education teacher Derek Warner said. “I hope everyone finds at least one or two things they want to do for the rest of their lives.”
Students can’t get enough of it. They clear two periods of their day to participate in the one-semester class.
“It’s already an adventure after day two,” senior Alec Hoffman said. “We talked about all we were going to do, and I’m ready for it all, not letting anyone stop me.”

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