Hannah Buikema
Who is someone you look up to? I look up to my Mom. She’s been through a lot and she shows her strength which gives me hope. What do you do in your free time? I love volleyball and music. I have a guitar and I love playing it. What is your favorite TV show/movie? It’s a really childish movie, but Earth to Echo. It’s pretty young but I love it. What is your campaign slogan/motto? I've a...

Gibson Knights
Who is someone you look up to? “A good friend of mine, Rick Walker, passed away recently. He was really into guitar and just a really good guy.” What do you like to do in your free time? Play music, listen to music, and I really like origami. I also am a ski racer and swimmer so I have some weird sports. What is your favorite TV show? I would probably have to go with Friends. Litt...

Noah Reinecke
Who is your role model? "Probably, my dad, he’s just really hard working and just sets the bar for me." What do you do in your free time? "I do soccer, basketball and being with friends" What is your favorite TV show/movie? "Definitely Outerbanks." What is your campaign slogan/motto? “I don’t know, it would be like, vote for Noah” What are you looking forward to on Friday? "T...

Ally Coney
Who’s your role model? "My role model is probably my grandpa because he went through a lot and he’s just really inspirational." What do you do in your free time? "I do volleyball, track and catalina." What's your favorite TV show/movie? "Friends." What is your campaign slogan/motto? "Probably 'be happy', yeah." What are you looking forward to on Friday? I'm really excited. T...

Landon Bennett
Who is your role model? “My father, I’ve always looked up to him. He’s always been there for me.” What do you do in your free time? “I’m a drummer. I got a Christmas present from my dad when I was about 3 years old. I’ve been cranking away since then.” What’s your favorite TV show/movie? “Friends, I mean, it’s a classic. Can’t go wrong there.” What’s your campa...

Kenza Wolff
Who is your role model? “Probably my sister. She’s so smart. She’s going to nursing school and just recently delivered her first baby. It’s so cool.” What do you do in your free time? “I play basketball, and I’m on the varsity team. But, I also like hanging out with my friends.” What’s your favorite TV show/movie? “Probably Shameless. It’s just so funny, and I don’t know why, but, I love The Hu...

Keegan Coyne
Who is your role model? “Grace Harrison.” What do you do in your free time? “Play sports, bowling, wee sports, and hanging out with my family.” what is your favorite TV show/movie? “Cars 3.” What’s your campaign slogan/motto? “I’m the biggest cheerleader for everyone and support all my classmates.” What are you looking forward to for Friday? “My friends coming to w...

Grace Harrison
Who is your Role model? “My mom because she’s been through a lot and inspires me because of that. You know having cancer it makes me sad and inspired.” What do you do in your free time? “Sleep or hang out with friends. Or watch and play sports.” Favorite movie or TV show? “Dumb and Dumber.” What’s your campaign slogan/motto? “Vote Keegan Coyne.” What are you lo...

Dolan Smits
Who is your role model? “My role models in life are probably my parents. I look up to them a lot. They taught me so much in life.” What do you do in your free time? “I like to hang out with friends. I also play hockey and detail cars. What is your favorite TV show/movie? “Oh, that’s a hard one. My favorite movie is probably Shawshank Redemption. Great film. Best of all time.” What is ...

Megan Voorhees
Who is your role model? “Mr. Williams, he’s a really cool guy. He’s just really been a big figure in my life recently. He’s really empathetic and he’s always willing to listen to me.” What do you do in your free time? “I really like hanging out with friends. I also play water polo and swim but most of my time is taken up by school.” What is your favorite TV show/movie...

Nick Miller
Who is your role model? “If I could pick anyone ever, it would be Kobe Bryant. He has that mentality that he's the best, and he always strives to be the best and I feel like that resembles me very well.” What do you do in your free time? “Most of the time I’m with my friends. Sometimes I’ll be playing basketball, and I like to put headphones on and I’ll just go shoot some hoops.” ...

Makayla Perrault
Who is your role model? “My mom, she’s not embarrassed easily” What do you do in your free time? “I like to sing, I’m a choir kid. I also go to CrossFit with my whole family.” What is your favorite Tv show/movie? “Definitely Community.” What is your campaign slogan/motto? “None, I don’t really have one at all.” What are you looking forward to Friday?...
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