Teacher Joe Stringer is putting together an esports team open to all students at GHHS. Due to the limited amount of practice devices, Stringer has picked 5 of the most popular titles at the collegiate level; League of Legends, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Overwatch 2, Rocket League and Valorant for competition.
We’re gonna play [games] that are competitive and at a collegiate level,” Stringer said. “Meaning if you get a scholarship, you can go on and do something.”
Weekly practices will be held every Tuesday for League of Legends, Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Rocket League and Thursday for Overwatch 2 and Valorant in room 0121. A proper schedule is to be determined for the official fall season. There is also an option for students to shoutcast games during the season.
Each school year starting this fall will consist of two seasons, one in the fall and one in the spring, to accommodate for students who participate in other sports throughout the year.
Since the school facilities are not set up specifically for gaming, it is heavily encouraged that students bring their own peripherals, and supplying your own microphone is mandatory. Additionally, team communication will all be through Discord.
Further questions can be sent to Stringer at [email protected] or in person in room 0201.