Grand Haven Boys Rugby Club in search of new players

Grace Montgomery

More stories from Grace Montgomery

Grace Montgomery

Seniors Zachary Bruursema, Austin Harp and Robby Tayler set up a promotional table during all lunches on Thursday, Feb. 10 in hopes to get people interested in rugby.

The Grand Haven Boys Rugby Club is in search of new players for the upcoming spring season. Seniors Zachary Bruursema, Austin Harp and Robby Tayler set up a promotional table during all lunches on Thursday, Feb. 10 in hopes to gain interest.

“Rugby is a great sport for people of all ages and body types to find a place in the athletic world,” Harp said. “Everyone has great sportsmanship and it’s a very low commitment sport, which is great for new players. Practices are only two days a week and it’s a great place to make new friends.”

Winter workouts began on Sunday, Jan. 30 and are held every Thursday and Sunday from 7-9 p.m. in the Field House. There is no experience needed to participate. If interested, bring a mouth guard and show up ready to learn.

If you have any questions contact:

  • Tom Foley –
  • Austin Harp –
  • Zachary Bruursema –