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Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
Junior Alexis Mountford plays with her brother's bearded dragon, Magma, during her time off school

Junior Alexis Mountford adjusts to coronacation isolation

Grace Ostric, Editor in Chief April 5, 2020

The announcement by Governor Whitmer to close school for three weeks initially shocked and excited junior Alexis Mountford. She, like many other teens, was looking forward to the break and seeing her friends. “I...

SAT/ACT instructor teaches prep classes

SAT/ACT instructor teaches prep classes

Natalie Dupuis, Assigning Editor February 6, 2020

This upcoming February and March, Dr. Scott Carlin will hold online classes for those who want to prepare for the SAT, ACT or both.  The SAT online classes are available for $179. That includes seven...

Raising awareness for water safety

Nick Garvale, Reporter November 28, 2018

For the second year, The Tri Cities YMCA has recruited the outdoor ed class for a “Safety around water” program that the students teach to local elementary school kids. The instructors educate 205...

A Grand Haven High School student fills out a replica W-2 and W-4 form for Personal Finance class.

Opinion: Taking personal finance should be a state required class

Chris Hudson, Editor in Chief October 1, 2018

Going into my final school year at Grand Haven, I’d always thought that taking Personal Finance was somewhat of a joke - no offense Mr. Smaka or Mr. Williams - but the rumor from class to class was that...

The high school zone

The high school zone

Kevin Swain, Senior staff writer October 16, 2015

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance,...

Early college program seeks second group

Early college program seeks second group

Mike Michalski, News Editor February 13, 2014

If you asked junior Cam Shelton a year ago, if he would be attending college in the fall, he would have looked at you like you were crazy. A year ago, Shelton did not know about a program that would put...

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