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Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
Speaker Calvin Terrell showcases poem as a last message for parents at the Question and Answer Session. Many questions were raised about Terrell's upcoming presentation and answered by him throughout the course of the meeting.

Speaker Calvin Terrell discusses concerns about upcoming presentation with parents

Alexis VanSingel, News Editor March 7, 2018

A meeting was held with upcoming guest speaker Calvin Terrell Monday night after questions were raised by parents about his presentation. Terrell is scheduled to present at the high school on Wednesday...

The senior Mock Trial team stands together smiling. These members received honorable mention at a regional tournament on Sat, Feb. 24.

Senior Mock Trial team receives Honorable Mention at regional tournament

Alexis VanSingel, News Editor February 27, 2018

The Senior Mock Trial team received honorable mention at the regional tournament this past weekend. All three teams traveled to Ann Arbor on Saturday, Feb. 24 to compete in a simulation of jury trials. “Our...

Dagorhir: A look into Grand Haven's sword-fighting club

Dagorhir: A look into Grand Haven’s sword-fighting club Dagorhir, or Dag for short, is a club where members fight each other with weapons such as swords, axes, or shields. Throughout the year, members geared up to battle...

Staff editorial: Stronger in solidarity

Staff editorial: Stronger in solidarity

Staff December 15, 2016

Religion has become an increasingly complex and touchy subject to talk about. In 2016 there have been bombings, hate speeches and even riots in the name of religious beliefs. It is not just one group either....

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Student grief support meeting held after school

Alexis VanSingel, News Editor November 18, 2016

A student grief support meeting was held yesterday after school. The meeting’s purpose was to check up on students who have still had trouble coping with the losses faced in the past couple years. “We...

Wilson poses with the Lakeshore Athena Award.

Lakeshore Athena Organization awards Principal Tracy Wilson

Alexis VanSingel, News Editor October 28, 2016

In a room full of nervous energy, Principal Tracy Wilson chatted among her family and colleagues. All at once, the place began to die down as a guest speaker spoke through a microphone, describing a woman...

New Staff Member: Chelsea Bender

New Staff Member: Chelsea Bender

Alexis VanSingel, News Editor September 20, 2016

What brought you to Grand Haven? I’m from West Michigan originally, from Montague. We used to live in Denver and we wanted to be closer to home. When I saw there was an opening here, Grand Haven’s...

Sibling duo Jennifer and James Harding receive their diplomas together. Jen worked to graduate a year early to walk with her brother.

420 seniors graduate in 2016 commencement ceremony

Alexis VanSingel, News Editor May 27, 2016

What Happened? Last night, family and friends came out to the 140th graduation ceremony for the class of 2016. 420 seniors walked across the stage to receive diplomas commencing their high school career. The...

Sophomore Alexandra Holt holds a trophy in front of the team robot. They placed fourth in the district competition.

Robotics team places fourth in district event

Alexis VanSingel, News Editor March 16, 2016

Over the weekend, the robotics team placed fourth overall in the St. Joe FIRST Robotics District Competition. The members of Buc N’ Gears made it to the semifinals but lost. They also won the industrial...

“Springcoming” spirit week schedule

Alexis VanSingel, News Editor March 7, 2016

As the snow starts to melt and the school days seem to drag on, students are itching to take off for spring break. In a celebration of warmer days in sight, student senate is presenting Springcoming Week. Monday...

5 Things that happened this week

5 Things that happened this week

Alexis Vansingel, News Editor February 12, 2016

Scientists say they have found the first detection of gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of space-time. The wave was generated by a collision of two black holes, light years away from Earth....

Central Park Players brings Grease to White Pines Intermediate in March

Central Park Players brings Grease to White Pines Intermediate in March

Alexis Vansingel, News Editor February 1, 2016

Central Park Players will be showing the Broadway musical Grease at White Pines Intermediate. Junior Mary Mcginnis who plays as Sandy Dumbrowski, believes the show is a must-see and will astonish the...

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