Body art

November 21, 2017

After junior Jamie Gretzinger’s mother passed away last year, 30-plus members of her family gathered at crows nest. Recently Gretzinger’s mom passed away after battling pancreatic cancer. So, her whole family got the saying ‘faith not fear’ somewhere on their body in memory of Gretzinger mother. “Faith not fear was her saying throughout the cancer journey, just making sure you put your faith above your fear,” Gretzinger said. She is planning on getting another tattoo of her mom’s lyric that will say ‘my anchor in the storm’ because she was really serious about her faith and was a worship leader at their church. “It was a really cool experience to have everyone in my family there and to have a tribute to my mom.”


Sophomore Charisse Timmreck got an image of a lacrosse stick tattoo along her right arm when she was 16. Inspired by all of her sisters Timmreck decided to get one. “I was really nervous but excited because I’ve been waiting since I was 10 to get a tattoo,” Timmreck said. She got a lacrosse stick because it plays such a big role in her life, “I don’t think i’ll ever not want to play lacrosse,” Timmreck said. “A tattoo is really meaningful and will always be a part of you.”

Senior Megan Jarvis was 16 when she got her first and only tattoo. “It was pretty nerve wracking being in a different environment than what I was used to,” Jarvis said. On her left foot she got an image of a wave. “To me it is significant to home because I don’t know where I’ll be in the future, but I really love surfing in Michigan,” Jarvis said. “Whenever I am tired or exhausted I always look down and it pushes me to keep going, that I can get past this wave of being down.” Her best advice is to eat sugar before because since she was so nervous she did not eat much and that lead to her passing out because she lacked.



Senior Grace Glessner has 4 tattoos and got her first one when she was 16 on the first day of school. Kinda on a whim, her and her best friend wanted a tattoo. “So we called our moms and went to Crows Nest with a lot of paperwork and it just happened super last minute,” Glessner said. “We didn’t really know what we were doing.” They had a plan to get sailboats, however they did not leave with sailboats. They ended up getting a wave on the back of their right calf with a bible verse that states, ‘when you go through deep waters I will be with you.’ Senior Elise Betten received the same tattoo and has been Glessner’s closest friend and in 8th grade Bettens dad passed away, so Glessner was alongside her for support throughout it all. On the other side of it they have sailed together, so they have many stories that follow along with that. “It just kinda all fit together when we got it,” Glessner said. She also has plans on getting more tattoos once she turns 18. “I model a lot of tattoos that I want to get about things that I wrote,” Glessner said.

Sophomore Kyle Kuhn was 16 when he got his first tattoo of a treble clef with wings. “My oldest sister got a heart with wings, so the wings are from her,” Kuhn said. “My other sister has a treble clef with a ‘K’ for her name, so it’s just a mixture between both and it’s on my shoulder because that’s where they got their first tattoos.” Kuhn plans on getting another tattoo with his sisters that would be a Triforce from a video game. “It represents wisdom, courage, and immense power,” Kuhn said.

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