GHTV short film contest

Sarah Jane Chrysler, Co-editor in chief

GHTV is putting on a short film competition from May 2 through the 20th. Students are invited to film two or three minute video about a day in their life.

There is no requirement for what will be in the video other than it is school appropriate and is shot horizontally,” GHTV VP Dale Kruithoff said. “ We based the theme on the documentary entitled Life In A Day.”

No film experience is needed to participate and there will be a workshop on Monday May 9th at the GHTV studio for those looking for some tips and tricks as to how to shoot video.

“In the workshop, we will cover skills and techniques that people can use in their videos and the skills are transferable to any video they make,” Kruithoff said.

The video should be sent to no later than May 20th.