Carter Brown

Senior Carter Brown was honored as a September student of the month alongside teacher Jeff Glamzi.

Nick Twa, Business Manager

Senior Carter Brown won the September “Rotary Student of the Month” award on Monday, September 16 at the Community Center along with fellow senior Olivia Perrier.

“I was kind of surprised,” Brown said. “I was thinking ‘This is cool, another thing to add to my resume,’ but I was still surprised.”

Along with being given the award, Brown chose teacher Jeff Glamzi to accompany him when receiving the award.

“I chose Mr. Glamzi because I had him for calculus last year and he was a really good teacher,” Brown said. “I think it takes a special kind of teacher to keep everyone in the class interested while teaching calculus and I’ve never heard a bad thing from anyone about him.”

Students chosen for this honor are asked to give a two to three minute speech following.

“I had a typed draft of my speech ready to go so that helped,” Brown said. “I had to give my speech after Olivia and hers was pretty good so I was kind of nervous. I made the Rotary club laugh so that was good.”