Senior parking closing
The senior parking lot will be closed due to construction on the school. The drop-off lane is also closed and relocated to the senior parking.
November 4, 2014
The parking lot will look quite different starting Wednesday Nov. 5. With the beginning of our performing arts and athletic facility expansion projects, much of the student drop off lane, and a section of parking lot directly in front of the athletic entrance will be fenced off for the duration of the school year.
“The earlier you get here the less you deal with (traffic) ever in our parking lot, and it doesn’t matter what time of day it is. So if you’re coming in the morning and you’re going to race in here at 7:30, you’re going to be backed up in traffic,” Wilson said.
The new student drop of loop will be located in the senior parking lot, which may not be used during school hours. Although traffic may become slightly more congested, this change enables the room necessary to begin phase one of building. With the relocation of the drop off loop, it may be wise for student drivers to take advantage of the east entrance to avoid drop-off traffic. Access to the athletic entrance doors will remain in tact. This expansion will enable the addition of a new weight facility, T.V. studio, and orchestra room; as well as increase the size of both the wrestling room and athletic office.
“Lets look at the positive piece”, Principal Tracy Wilson said. “Were getting started with the expansion and the idea is that this will be done and ready to go when school opens in the fall. So we can’t impede the process, we need to be part of the process.”