Student Senate gears up for homecoming

Caleb Berko

The class of 2020 poses for a picture post powderpuff competition 2018. Powderpuff is one of the most popular homecoming week events and draws a large crowd. Other popular events include the belly flop, the football game, and the dance.

Natalie Dupuis, Assigning Editor

As homecoming approaches, Student Senate is busy gearing up for the week. Senate president Juliette Beals says that homecoming has a lot more to it than you might think. 

“We break up into committees,” Beals said. “So each of those specific groups are working on their own thing. And then we’ll come back together at the end of the meeting, kind of share out what we’re doing.”

Senate has a retreat during the summer that they attend. It’s about two day long that’s overnight and they start to plan for homecoming at this time, as well as pick the theme. 

“It’s usually like an hour and a half long process,” Beals said. “It takes so long because we end up with like 15 different ideas.”

They narrow down the ideas by voting them out. Once they have about three top ideas, they all vote on the one they want the most. This year, they decided on board games. 

“A lot of people are skeptical of it,” Beals said. “But we always try to reach out and change our thinking. We don’t want to do the generic.”

The board game theme has been split into four different games for the four grades. Freshmen have battleship, sophomores have monopoly, juniors have candyland and seniors have clue.

Senate is eager for homecoming week to start, they’ve put a lot of work and thought into how the week will play out.