Homecoming proposal photo competition
Submit your favorite picture of that special homecoming proposal for a chance to win two free tickets to the dance.
September 15, 2014
The season of homecoming proposals is upon us and The Bucs’ Blade wants to highlight those who put in the extra effort to impress their guy or gal.
This year, tweet us, email us, or hashtag us in your proposal post to submit your photo into the contest. The submission period starts Sep.16 at noon and ends Sep. 27 at midnight. The voting period will then begin on Sep. 28 and end Oct. 2 at 8 p.m. The winner is to be announced at noon on Oct. 3. Any time after the results are announce, the winners can pick up their prize of two free tickets to homecoming at room 0205.
All submissions are reviewed and posted as they are entered. The top 5 is decided by the Bucs’ Blade staff based on originality and creativity but not by photo quality.
How to enter:
Tweet us: @TheBucsBlade
Email us: bucsblade@gmail.com
Hashtag your instagram photo with #bladehc2k14