Emerging artist Troye Sivan releases first album Dec. 4

November 19, 2015
If you don’t already know Troye Sivan for his YouTube channel, you might recognize him as the little boy in “X-men Origins: Wolverine”. Or maybe you recognize him as one of 2015’s up-and-coming artists.
Jumping from one project to another, Australian singer Troye Sivan is releasing an album of 10 to 16 songs only months after releasing his EP. The album, titled “Blue Neighbourhood”, is already available for pre-order, and is officially out Dec 4, just in time for the holidays.
Considering an EP of 6 songs earned Sivan 5 star reviews on Amazon, “Blue Neighbourhood” is likely to be a success as well.
Some of the tracks have already been released, or have appeared in Sivan’s EP, such as “Wild”, “Fools”, and “Ease”. Through these songs, Sivan has demonstrated his abilities to work with both upbeat and slow songs. He also adopts a unique and edgy melody that allows him to stand out when compared to other artists.
There are two versions of the album available for purchase. A standard version with 10 songs and a “light” cover art and a deluxe version with 16 songs and a “dark” cover art. Sivan has used Twitter to reveal that the title of the album itself is named after a line from his song “Wild”.
To get a free preview of Sivan’s songs, check out his channel on YouTube where he’s been debuting original music videos before the album’s release.
While the music videos have caused concern about Sivan’s goal to further the gay agenda, Sivan insists through Twitter that he portrays homosexual relationships in his videos because he wants to remain true to himself. He refuses to change who he is for other people, and because of that, he’s worth checking out.