Adaptive arts program demonstrates creativity around school

Lucy Toppen, Reporter

The brightly colored human figures pasted up in the hallways recently are a part of an art project by the adaptive arts program inspired by the work of Keith Haring.

Keith Haring is well known for his bold and colorful artwork which depicted shapes of humans with expressive lines to show their movements.

Haring had a strong desire to make his artwork available to the masses, so he chose to paint hundreds of his infamous figures in the New York City subways throughout the 1980’s.

The high school’s adaptive arts program introduced their students to Haring’s artwork to influence their most recent project.

“We try to expose the kids to different genres of art and different artists,” adaptive arts teacher Eva Clark said. “We kind of use that as a jumping point to create our own art and inspirations.”

Following Haring’s model, the class decided to put the figures up in the halls to expose their artwork to the masses.

“We wanted the kids to see what we did in art class.” Junior Michael said.

The gleaming smiles on these student’s faces gave away their excitement about the art, it is clear they all worked very hard and are extremely proud of how the project turned out.

These adaptive art’s class is a great opportunity for its students to utilize apply their creativity into making art during the day.

“The highlight of the day for some of our students is to be able to be artistically creative.” Clark said.

The Keith Haring figures are only one of many projects the adaptive art class will be working on this year so keep an eye out for more artwork to be displayed throughout the school soon.