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Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
HELPING HAND: A student prepares to give blood. Doing so can save up to three lives. The blood drive will take place tomorrow in the Auxiliary gym.

First Blood Drive of the Year Scheduled for Tomorrow

Reegan Cook, Reporter September 25, 2023

The first blood drive of the year will be on Sept. 26, and it will be held in the Auxiliary gym. Tony Snyder and the National Honors Society will be taking over after Todd Diedrickson retired last year....

Student participating in a previous blood drive

Blood drive set for Sept. 28

Misgana Deur, Life Editor September 27, 2021

WHEN?: A blood drive will be held Tuesday, Sept. 28 from 2 to 7 p.m.  WHERE?: Held at Hope Church 14932 Mercury Dr. Grand Haven (between Lake st. and Groesbeck). You must make an appointment.  WHO?:...

Anatomy teacher Todd Diederichsen prepares for upcoming blood drive

Anatomy teacher Todd Diederichsen prepares for upcoming blood drive

Mike Baldus, Reporter February 7, 2021

The Blood Drive will happen on Tuesday, Feb. 9 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. It will take place at Hope Church located along Mercury Drive. The blood drive will no longer be happening at Grand Haven High School...

HOPE CHURCH: the location of the second blood drive

Blood drive Dec. 1

Misgana Deur, Life Editor November 30, 2020

A blood drive will be taking place at Hope Church (14932 Mercury Dr. Grand Haven) on Tuesday, Dec. 1, from 2 to 7 p.m. for anyone who is 16 years or older.  “I liked the idea of being able to provide...

BLOOD FLOW: A student participating in a blood drive last year squeezes a stress ball to help the blood in her arm flow easier into the tube.

First blood drive of year a success

Megan Voorhees, Photo Editor October 7, 2020

This year's first blood drive took place on the 29th.  Due to COVID-19, there have been multiple changes to the drive such as location. As any year precautions must be taken. Making sure donors are...

Blood drive proves to be a success, despite setbacks

Blood drive proves to be a success, despite setbacks

Grace Montgomery, Editor In Chief December 5, 2019

Grand Haven High School hosted a blood drive in the auxiliary gym on Tuesday, Dec. 3. 72 people were signed up to donate, however only 63 of the 72 were eligible.  After the blood was collected, it...

Junior Emily Stevenson gives blood. Although many people are wary of needles and blood, most students assure that the pinch was better than expected.

Anatomy classes hold blood drive

Emma Manzo, Reporter April 24, 2019

Todd Diederichsen and his anatomy class sponsored a blood drive on April 16. The 82 students who participated donated 60 units of blood to Michigan Blood.   “We want to try to get high...

Students of science teacher Todd Diederichsen help out at recent blood drive in order to meet local quotas for blood.

Rescheduled blood drive proves to be crucial for West Michigan

Alexis Tater, Reporter March 7, 2019

The blood drive at Grand Haven High School has been rescheduled due to weather. School and church cancellations have created a massive need for blood in West Michigan. The weather has caused many car crashes...

Low turnout for January blood drive

Low turnout for January blood drive

Jack Nicholson, Reporter January 19, 2017

The new year was kicked off right with the second annual blood drive for the 2016-2017 school year. Former teacher Todd Diederichsen hosted and organized the blood drive event this past Saturday. The main...

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Students donate blood at annual drive

Kelly Klouw, Reporter November 13, 2016

For many, donating blood is something that’s not really thought of as a big deal. However, for some people, such as ones that have been in a car accident, cancer patients, or burn victims, blood donations...

Posters in the hallways advertise the opportunity to give blood to help people in need. One donation has the potential to help save up to three lives.

Anatomy class presents blood drive on Nov. 11

Isabel Bird, Reporter November 10, 2016

What: The blood drive is an annual event presented by the anatomy class. Volunteers donate a pint of blood that can save up to three lives.   When: The event will take place on Friday,...

Senior Austin Rutherford prepares to donate blood.

Blood drive a success

Emily Bruch, News Editor November 7, 2014

The scene in the auxiliary gym on Wednesday was not one for the faint of heart. Students sat in a small circle of chairs while they filled bags of blood that will be donated to the blood bank, Michigan...

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