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Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
Grand Haven's student publication of community significance since 1927

The Bucs' Blade

Due to a lack of student interest, The Bucs’ Blade does not have sufficient staffing to perpetuate the program at this time.
No new articles are being written or will be published for the foreseeable future.
Trumpet leader Carson Bretz shakes band director Iain Novoselich's hand at the "Bucs' Last Blast" earlier this year, a concert to celebrate senior members of the marching band.

Trumpet section leader Carson Bretz reflects on band experience

Morgan Womack, Co-Editor-In-Chief May 13, 2020

Before heading off to their second hour on Friday, March 13, band director Iain Novoselich had his first hour students play the song “You’ll Never Walk Alone.”  This song has been a tradition...

Special education teacher Melissa Richardson poses in front of her new "Pac-Man" game that she recently purchased. She likes to keep busy with fun activities she can involve her family in, like charades and other games.

Special education teacher Melissa Richardson finds balance amid chaotic new schedule

Morgan Womack, Co-Editor-In-Chief April 17, 2020

Special education teacher Melissa Richardson described the last day of in-person education as chaotic. She scrambled to send homework and lessons home with her students, making sure each of them had...

Sophomore Ellie Guilford holds up her dog, Melaina. The break from school helped her make more time to spend with her pets and family.

Sophomore stays connected outside of school

Morgan Womack, Co-Editor-In-Chief March 20, 2020

Sophomore Ellie Guilford has mixed feelings about this time off from school.  “I was excited at first but then I realized, ‘oh, that means I don’t get to do anything for three weeks,’” Guilford...

Freshman Grant Taylor climbs on top of the trailer holding the trebuchet he made with his dad. “After doing the project and seeing how everything worked, it was weird how it actually works,” Taylor said. “Like actually being able to see it throw over and see the counterweight active and see how it drags.”

Klinger launches yearly extra credit project

Morgan Womack, Co-Editor-In-Chief December 14, 2019

World history teacher Jason Klinger recently assigned his students his yearly, unique extra credit project: to build a replica of a trebuchet.  A trebuchet is a counterweight catapult machine previously...

Senior Oscar Sipe adjusts the camera as he films the announcements for the Lumberjacks hockey game. “Kids our age, their first job is like going to McDonald’s or Wendy’s, my first job is doing drum gigs and filming hockey teams,” Sipe said. “Life, it’ll do what it will and it’ll set me on the path but so far this seems to be the path that I am enjoying and getting paid for, so it seems like a good option.”

Senior discovers passion for video

Morgan Womack, Co-Editor-In-Chief December 5, 2019

Senior Oscar Sipe never goes home. It’s 4:00 p.m. on a recent Friday night and Sipe isn’t out with his friends or unwinding at home like most high schoolers. No, you can find him at the LC Walker...

Blade staff heads to fall MIPA

Blade staff heads to fall MIPA

Blade Staff November 1, 2019

Yesterday Grand Haven High School’s student publication, The Bucs’ Blade, went to Lansing for a conference where they had the opportunity to sit in on learning sessions with the goal of learning new...

Bucs defeat Caledonia in close Homecoming game

Bucs defeat Caledonia in close Homecoming game

Morgan Womack, Co-Editor-In-Chief October 11, 2019

WHAT HAPPENED The varsity football team beat Caledonia 34-27 tonight in an intense Homecoming game. The score was tied up 27-27 at the beginning of the fourth quarter, but senior Connor Worthington carried...


Marching band members create strong community

Morgan Womack, Co-Editor-In-Chief October 11, 2019

Co-Editors-in-Chief Chris Hudson and Maddie Monroe hug advisor C.E. Sikkenga after winning the Spartan Award.

Blade staff wins Spartan Award

Morgan Womack, Co-Editor-In-Chief April 23, 2019

The Bucs’ Blade staff won a Spartan Award at the spring Michigan Interscholastic Press Association (MIPA) conference on April 23.  The three issues submitted received a score evaluation of...

Attorney General Dana Nessel speaks at the Grand Haven Community Center about the Freedom of Information Act.

Attorney General leads Freedom of Information Act seminar

Maddie Monroe, Editor in Chief March 11, 2019

Monday, March 11 the Grand Haven Tribune and Michigan Press Association hosted a seminar at the Grand Haven Community Center for newly elected Attorney General Dana Nessel. The focus of the meeting was...

Winter wardrobe

What to wear this winter

Morgan Womack, Co-Editor-In-Chief December 20, 2018

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