Senior staff columns

From upper left to lower right, seniors: Kaia Hayes, Lexi Carter, Mike Michalski, Olivia Seaver,Katie Harding, Maggie LaLonde.


From upper left to lower right, seniors: Kaia Hayes, Lexi Carter, Mike Michalski, Olivia Seaver,Katie Harding, Maggie LaLonde.

With the Class of 2014 graduating, some of the senior staff members on The Bucs’ Blade decided they wanted to share their final thoughts on life as high school students. Click on any of names below to read their column.

Kaia Hayes, Editor-in-Chief

Lexi Carter, Managing Editor

Mike Michalski, News Editor

Olivia Seaver, Feature Editor

Katie Harding, Sports Editor

Maggie LaLonde, Reporter

Additional senior staff: McKenna Brinks, Feature Editor; Haley Bethune, Business Manager; Sam Katt, Artist; Alexa Hennessey, Reporter; Ellyse VanDyke, Reporter.