Inductees honored at Hall of Fame ceremony


Brendan Vander Meer

Principal Tracy Wilson congratulates inductee Gene Van Dongen after his speech. ““The truth I have learned is that success is just a journey,” Van Dongen said in his speech. “It’s not a destination.”

Morgan Womack, Co-Editor-In-Chief

Brendan Vander Meer
Ed Post was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening, inviting each inductee to the podium for their speeches.
Brendan Vander Meer
The Hall of Fame ceremony was held at the Spring Lake Country Club.

Attendees consisted of teachers, members of administration, retired staff and overall supporters of the inductees.


All of the 13 inductees fit into one of five pillars, including arts, athletics, career, service and honorary.


Each inductee gave a speech when called to the podium. John Constant accepted the award for his brother Bob and Scott Baldwin represented his father Richard.


One of the members, Gene Van Dongen, considers this award an honor of success.


“The truth I have learned is that success is just a journey,” Van Dongen said in his speech. “It’s not a destination.”


A list of the new Hall of Fame members in each pillar along with their graduating class is as follows:


ARTS: cultural/performing arts

Michael Bont, 1994

Dave Palmer, 1977


ATHLETICS: athletic achievement

Bob Constant, 1979

John Cox, 2002

Samantha Iyoha, 2007

Alison Miller, 1996

Gene Van Dongen, 1955


CAREER: career/academic accomplishments

John Angus, 1951

Richard Baldwin, 1959


SERVICE: service to GHAPS/society

Dave Klaassen, 1959

Jack Van Schelven, 1953


HONORARY: honorary award for service to GHAPS

Don Anderson

Sandy Huber