Shrek set building

Taylor Fase, Senior staff writer

shrek musical logo

Set Building for the musical Shrek is officially underway. Construction takes place on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays from 12 p.m. until 5 p.m. at Grand Haven High School.

“I learned to weld by building a set,” drama teacher Rita McLary said, “That is not a skill I would have ever acquired in any other way of my life…and you can multiply that through all kinds of skills”

McLary has been helping with the musicals at Grand Haven since 2007 and believes everybody can gain something new from helping to build sets. Anyone who is willing to put in work can participate. The help is greatly appreciated.

“You can gain a lot of real world plicable skills that you don’t think about as being associated with theater” McLary said.